First Reconciliation and First Communion for Children 

The First Communion program at St. Stephen's is a two-year process that prepares your child to receive the sacrament of the Eucharist. This process includes a combination of parish life activities and gatherings with their peers with the goal of encountering Jesus on a deeper level.

Guidelines for the process: The child must be in at least the 2nd grade to receive the Sacrament of First Reconciliation and First Communion. 
Since this is a two-year process, children can begin their formation in the 1st grade.

FIRST-YEAR: Children will focus on the foundational catechism of the Catholic faith.   

SECOND YEAR: Children will prepare for and receive the sacraments of Reconciliation (Confession) and First Communion.
NOTE: There is an additional Preparation Fee of $50 for materials and retreat in the second year.

Preparation Classes are on Wednesdays in FCC from 6:00-7:30 pm starting in September (students must be registered to prepare for the Sacraments)

COSTS: $100 per student (Family max of $360 - doesn't include $50 for materials and retreat for second-year students)

For questions about First Reconciliation and First Communion, please contact the Parish Office.