Home/Our Parish/Sacraments/Baptism



The First of the Sacraments of Initiation

Baptism is the sacrament that marks the beginning of the entire Christian life and is the first of the sacraments of initiation. In Baptism we are freed from sin and become sons and daughters of God. In the sacrament, we receive the very life of God, become part of the Body of Christ, become members of the Church, and are called to share in its mission.

Adults or children and youth over the age of seven that wish to be baptized, please Click Here.

Baptisms are typically celebrated on the first and third Sundays each month at 2:30 p.m.

Please complete this Baptism Information Form and return the file to the Parish Office. If you wish to email the completed document, please use the address info@ststephenchurch.org.

(ESPAÑOL: Por favor complete el formulario del bautismo y lo regrese a la oficina de la parroquia. Si quiere mandar un email con el documento completo, por favor use el email info@ststephenchurch.org.)

Including a Godparent Eligibility Certificate for each named Godparent assists with the office completion process. Click here to access the form. 

You are also required to send or bring a copy of your child’s birth certificate (from the state, with the state seal) to the Parish Office at least one week prior to the Baptism.  This certificate is required in order for us to properly document the celebration of the sacrament in the Church’s permanent Baptism Register as required by Canon Law.

For any Baptism questions, please call or email the Parish Office. 

Baptism Preparation

Marking the beginning of life with Christ

We are happy you have chosen to celebrate your child’s Baptism at St. Stephen’s Church!

Parents who wish to have their child baptized must be registered members of the Parish and attend a Baptism Preparation Class.

The Baptism Preparation class is held from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. on the second Tuesday of every other month.

You are also required to send or bring a copy of your child’s birth certificate (from the state, with the state seal) to the Parish Office at least one week prior to the Baptism.  This certificate is required in order for us to properly document the celebration of the sacrament in the Church’s permanent Baptism Register as required by Canon Law.

Choosing Sponsors (Godparents)
It is essential that you have at least one sponsor that is Catholic, age 16 or older, fully initiated (Baptized, Confirmed, and receiving Communion), actively practicing their faith and leading a life in harmony with the Catholic faith. If you have two, one is to be male and the other female. A second sponsor doesn’t have to be Catholic, but must be baptized and practicing as a Christian. Such a person will be designated a “Christian Witness”.

Catholic Sponsors chosen must have a “Godparent Eligibility Certificate” signed by their Pastor (or his designate) at the parish in which they are registered.

Download the Godparent Eligibility Certificate

Please contact the Parish Office at 763-421-2471 to register for the Baptism Preparation class, as well as request a date for the Baptism.