Holy Eucharist

The Sacrament of First Eucharist

Preparing for Your First Eucharist

Adults who wish to receive the Sacrament of First Eucharist, please Visit our Becoming Catholic page here.

Children in Grade 2 and beyond are invited to prepare for and participate in the Sacrament of First Eucharist.  In line with Archdiocesan guidelines, First Eucharist preparation is primarily home-based with several onsite activities and events for parents and student, and children need to participate in First Reconciliation before receiving First Eucharist.  In addition, families are asked to be registered members of St. Stephen’s Church and children need to be enrolled in a grade 2 or beyond Faith Formation class or St. Stephen’s School.

At the first parent meeting in January, parents receive a packet for home-based studies, including Eucharist:  We Give Thanks and Praise by RCL Benziger and accompanying lesson plans, as well as other printed and online resources.

If you have a child with Special Needs, please Visit our Youth Programs page here.

It is highly recommended that children preparing for first sacraments in grade 2 attend either a grade 1 Faith Formation class or be enrolled in a Catholic school for grade 1.  This helps provide a solid foundation for and helps keep the child in step with peers.

First Eucharist (Communion) Preparation

Parent Meetings: TBA

Learning Centers: TBA, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. in the Faith Community Center for child and parent. You will need about two hours to complete the activities.

Retreat: TBA, 9:45 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

First Eucharist celebrations will take place the weekend of May 2/3, 2020.

In order for your child to be considered as a candidate for the reception of First Holy Eucharist (Communion), the following requirements must be met:

  • The child should have celebrated his/her First Reconciliation.
  • The child and at least one parent or guardian is expected to be attending Sunday Mass each week.
  • The child should be able to demonstrate an understanding of the difference between consecrated bread and wine and ordinary bread and wine.
  • While parents are the primary educators of their children, those who are candidates for the reception of First Holy Eucharist (Communion) must be enrolled in a parish Faith Formation program, St. Stephen’s School, or the G.I.F.T. program and must participate in all the communal dimensions (ritual, prayer services, meetings, etc..) and other requirements determined by the pastor.

If you have any questions, feel free to email Maredith Toweh or call 763-712-7439.