Confirmation Candidate Tasks

Complete everything below to celebrate the Rite of Confirmation. In choosing not to complete, you choose to delay the Sacrament. For those students "Confirmands" only being Confirmed this Spring.

+Candidate Readiness Survey  - DUE Jan 1st

This survey is to gage where you're at being Confirmed this spring.

>LIST of Completed Surveys

+Saint Selection Form  - DUE April 1st

Every candidate selects a Saint Name to be used by the Archbishop during the Confirmation Rite. Use this form to explore and report Saint Names.

>LIST of Completed Saint Selector

Two Sponsor Activities, Meetings, & Forms

STEPS: 1) Select a sponsor (practicing Catholic and not their parent) 2) Set up two meeting dates  3) Print up Meeting Questions  4) 1st Activity - Watch Videos  5) 2nd Activity - Attend/Watch same Mass.  6) Meet; In-person, video, or phone (1 hour)  7) Fill out Reflection forms.

=Sponsor Eligibility Form   - DUE Feb 1st

3 STEPS:  1) Sponsor Fills Out Sponsor Eligibility Form.pdf 2) Sponsor hands into their Home Parish  3) Parish signs & mails to St. Stephen’s.

:: 1st Sponsor Activity & Meeting

PREPARATION: 1. Set up Meeting time. 2. Watch Videos Below AND send to sponsor the two video links below 3. Print questions
Video #1: Confirmation - Flame of Faith
Video #2: Bishop Barron on the Sacrament of Confirmation
PRINT OFF - 1-Sponsor Confirmation_QUESTIONS.pdf 

MEETING DIRECTIONS: Discuss printed off Questions & take notes on discussion to share in reflection
AFTER: Fill out the reflection form below

+1st Sponsor Meeting Reflection - DUE April 1

>LIST of Completed 1st Sponsor Reflections

:: 2nd Sponsor Mass Activity & Meeting 

BEFORE: Attend the SAME Mass together OR watch the SAME Mass Online.
PRINT OFF: 2-Sponsor Mass_QUESTIONS.pdf
 Discuss printed off Questions & take notes. Review the Gospel from Website here.

+2nd Sponsor Meeting Reflection - DUE April 1

>LIST of Completed 2nd Sponsor Reflections

+Letter to Pastor Form  - DUE April 1st 

Write a letter to Father Bennet Tran explaining your reasons for wanting to be confirmed and outlining ways in which you intend to live as a confirmed Catholic.Template included.

>LIST of Completed Pastor Letters

+Catechist Thank You Note (Template) - DUE May 1

Write a thank you note to your Catechist - show your appreication. We'll print them off and hand out at our last Class. Use provided template & list of Catechist's names if needed.

>LIST of Completed Thank You Notes


DATE: Sunday, May 19, 2pm at Cathedral in St. Paul (arrive at 1:15pm)

SEATING: *4 Reserved Seats - 1 for Confirmand Candidate, 1 for Sponsor, 1 for Mom, 1 for Dad
*additional family can be in general seating

Rite of Confirmation Preparation Event:

Wednesday, May 15, 6-7:30pm. Presentation of what to expect - practice what to do & say, and information on parking, seating, dressing, etc. For candidates, parents, and sponsors (if available) to practice for the Rite. Confession with multiple Priests available.

Confession Preparation

Receive the Holy Spirit with a clean soul. Go 1 to 14 days before Rite. Review the pdfs below, then go to Reconciliation before the Confirmation Sacrament.
How to go to Confession  |   Examination of Conscience

Confession Times: Wed: 7pm |  Sat 3:30-4:30pm  |  Sun: 9:30-10:15am

Dress Code for Confirmation

Candidates, sponsors and family are to dress united as followers of Christ - reflecting humility and modesty. Let the focus be on God’s grace and gift to His disciples and not to create distractful or sinful attention. 
Dress Code List


Gift Ideas for Confirmation

The best gift for those receiving a Sacrament are prayers and support, but physical heartfelt gifts can be great reminders or resources for them on their journey of Faith.
GIFT IDEAS: Bible, Catechism, Religious & Prayer Books, stickers, statues, coins, Rosaries, Jewelry (Necklace, bracelet, pins, etc), Art Prints, Accessories (keychains) & Apparel.

Gift List Ideas with Links