Confirmation Tasks

REQUIRED YEARLY FOR ALL grades 6-12th. Practice growing in Faith by applying yourself in the Mass, Service, and Youth Group.


Use this link to submit your Mass Reflections, Service Hours OR Youth Group Participation. Enter 1 per participation event

+REVIEW Taks Submissions

Use link to check completed reflecitons, service, or youth group tasks

Mass Reflections

REQUIRED: 7 reflections are required for ALL Grades. Must attend Mass in person. Due April 1st.
Goal: Grow in relationship in Mass by hearing God's voice in the Sunday Readings and understand HIm better in the Homily.

Volunteering / Service

HOURS REQUIRED:  6-Church  |  2-Community  |  1- Home / Neighbor
learn how to support your Church and Community

NOTE: you can use hours from school volunteering hours AND for Home, the task CANNOT be a chore!

Youth Group Events 

3 EVENTS REQUIRED. 1 Event must be a Bible Study. Connect deeper with your friends of the faith. Upon arrival, sign in the physical sheet

Email Barry McCullough with questions.