
Faith for Life Update

Posted on July 30, 2020 in: Faith for Life News

Faith for Life Update

We hope this finds you all doing well and that you are having a safe and relaxing summer! As you know, these have been very challenging times for all of us. We have been working diligently during the last few months to insure the safety of all our Faith for Life students and families as we try to prepare for some normalcy again. During this time, we have been working on plans for opening in the fall, which includes making sure we have a plan "B" in place, which could mean that we do virtual Faith Formation. We are committed to following the guidelines and directives that come from our government officials as well as our Archdiocese.

In years past, the registration process for Faith for Life would have already begun. However, to ensure we have our safety plan, volunteers in place and give everyone the opportunity to adjust to the "new" normal with the start of school we have decided to start the 2020-2021 Faith for Life registration on August 23rd. Registration information will be on-line as well as available in the parish office. Notification of open registration will be available via email, our parish social media platforms as well as at mass. We anticipate Faith for Life Classes to begin on Wednesday, October 7, 2020. Classes for 1st grade - Confirmation will be on Wednesdays only this year with class time being 6:00-7:30pm.

The Sacrament of Confirmation is being moved to the 8th grade for both the parish and the school. Transitional plans have been made in order to accommodate our older students who are in 9th-10th grade who need to be confirmed. More information on this new transition will be included in the 2020-2021 registration information.

Kindergarten through Confirmation will ONLY be held on Wednesdays from 6-7:30 pm. Sunday School is on hold until further notice. More information will be available in the next few months.

Thank you for your patience as we continue to navigate through these challenging times. We ask for your continued prayers and support as we work together to bring our young people closer to Christ.

Please prayerfully consider volunteering in our Faith for Life Ministry. We need catechists, room monitors, office help, tech support and especially prayers!

If you have questions, please feel free to contact Maredith Toweh, Faith for Life director at

We look forward to seeing you soon! God bless and stay well and safe!

Maredith Toweh

Faith for Life Director