As mentioned in last week's e-newsletter, your St. Stephen's Church and School community is beginning a new and joyful chapter. To continue our ongoing progress of the "Our Bright Future" strategic plan, St. Stephen's Church and School will be rebranded and renamed as St. Stephen's Catholic Community. This means one unified campus with one common goal: to seek, love, and serve Jesus Christ in all that we do.
This Sunday, August 16, at 12:00pm, St. Stephen's will be launching brand new websites, making all the information you need easy and accessible in real time.This means daily updates, an interactive calendar, faster ways to connect with us, and all your prayer resources in one place. As part of this launch, we will also be releasing a week-long video series, starting on August 24. These videos will address our identity as St. Stephen's Catholic Community, important updates regarding your health and safety here during the COVID-19 pandemic, a detailed and transparent look into our development and marketing initiatives, ways that you can engage with your community through ministry, yearly programming and events, and new ways to engage with technology to enhance your prayer life and our communication.
Throughout this next week, daily updates will be released on each of these topics. Starting this Sunday when these are released, you will then have a chance to click a direct link and send in the questions you want answered when the informational videos are released. We want to hear from you! We want to hear your voice and feedback on these topics so we can serve you better each and every day. Think of this as a "virtual town hall meeting."
We are so excited to bring these updates to you and work to make the St. Stephen's Catholic Community a home where all are welcome. For any questions regarding the rebranding, please contact Aaron VanDanacker at