We hope this Fall finds you and your family well and safe. Do to this change; we had to push our open registration date to September 1.
With much prayer, discernment and communication with other parishes and healthcare professionals we have made a very thoughtful decision to go virtual with distant learning for Faith for Life classes at least until after the spring. We will reevaluate our situation at that time.
Before making this decision, we consulted with many professionals, parents, volunteers and other parishes. Many parishes have opted out to providing any Faith Formation this year. However, St. Stephen’s has chosen to meet in the middle and to provide distant learning for all Formation Kindergarten thru Confirmation.
St. Stephen’s number one priority is keeping our children, youth, families and volunteers safe. We are very much committed to providing quality “virtual” Faith Formation as well as ensuring that the Sacraments of Reconciliation, First Communion and Confirmation are provided.
We know that due to current circumstances, life may seem a bit challenging right now for many. In planning and preparing for the 2020-2021 Faith for Life year, we have been diligently working with publishers who have created easy and accessible online virtual learning curriculum for families. It is our goal to ensure that our families still receive quality formation as well as guidance and support from our Faith for Life staff and volunteers.
Children in Kindergarten, 1st, 3rd, 4th and 5th grades will be able to work at their own pace with check-ins one to two times a month with a catechist or with our Faith for Life Director via ZOOM or telephone call. For those children in 2nd grade or older preparing for First Reconciliation and First Communion, they will also receive instructions, username and password; however, they will be required to meet more frequently via ZOOM with a catechist and/or our Faith for Life Director in preparation for the Sacrament. We will try our best to work around your family’s schedule.
For the youth preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation, the process now begins in Junior High (6th-8th grade). Eighth graders to be Confirmed in the spring of 2021 must have attended Faith Formation and/or Catholic School in the 6th and 7th grade. Youth who are in High School who have been in Faith Formation and/or Catholic School prior to High school, they will be Confirmed in the spring of 2021. Confirmation preparation will also take place virtual with our Confirmation Catechetical Team.
You must be a registered member of St. Stephen’s in order to be part of our First Reconciliation, First Communion and Confirmation process or obtain a letter of transfer from your current parish pastor.
I have multiple children in different grades K-5, how do I navigate my time for each child?
Our goal is to accommodate your Formation learning experience for the entire family. Therefore, we are using Formation curriculum and resources that provide Multi-Age Family Sessions that families can use to guide multiple children at one time.
My child/youth attends St. Stephen’s School, how do they prepare for a Sacrament?
Students in second grade who attend St. Stephen’s Catholic School who need the Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Communion will prepare in their religion class at school. Those students in 6th-8th grade at St. Stephen’s School will prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation in their religion class at school.
So, how will all this work?
Once you register your child/teen online at www.ststephenchurch.org starting on August 31 – September 28, the first week in October you will receive instructions for access to a website via email along with a sign-in code and password for the curriculum.
St. Stephen’s is excited and blessed to announce the new members to our Faith for Life team. Barry McCullough, Confirmation Coordinator, Randy Skeate, Youth Ministry Coordinator, and Renee Hogan, Faith for Life Administrative Assistant. We look forward to ministering to all of you this year.
Please know that you and your families are in our thoughts and prayers. If you have any questions, please feel to contact Maredith at mtoweh@ststephenchurch.org or 763-712-7439.
God Bless,
Fr. Bennet Tran, Pastor
Maredith Toweh, Faith for Life Director
2020-2021 Faith for Life Registration
$65 per student
$200 Max per Family
No one denied Faith for Life Classes due to financial hardships.