Our faithful Mardi Gras Gala planning committee is busy creating a never before, virtual experience you don't want to miss! Please mark your calendars for Saturday, February 13, 2021.
HOW YOU CAN HELP: We are currently seeking new auction donation items and bottles of wine valued at $15 or more. Monetary donations can be mailed to the Parish Office or placed in the donation basket after Mass. Please include a note indicating this is a donation for our Mardi Gras Gala.
WHERE TO BRING DONATED ITEMS: New donated items for the fundraiser can be brought to the Parish Office during business hours. Please complete a donor form and attach it to the donated item. Downloadable forms available here. Printed forms are available inside Parish door #7.
DONATION ITEM IDEAS: Leisure and lifestyle-related certificates and gifts have been well received in the past, as well as sports, recreation, and garden items. We are also seeking bottles of wine valued at $15 or more for the Wall of Wine. For a full list of donation ideas, click here.
Thank you to all who have already contributed their time, talents, and treasures. The Parish, as well as the Community, recognize and appreciate you.
For questions and inquiries, please call or email the Parish office.