Come join us at the Church this Lenten season to witness the immense blessing that comes from the most painful of suffering that is Jesus’s sacrifice on the cross. Whether you have been away for a while or you are frequently at Mass, we welcome you with open arms to join us for Holy Week. Unite with your spiritual family for renewal of faith, hope, and love. Reconnect with us as we celebrate Christ destroying our bondage to sin through his death and resurrection.
For the Good Friday service, we invite you to bring a cross or crucifix from home to be blessed. Each family is encouraged to adore, worship, and kiss their own cross this year. We will refrain from communally venerating the same cross due to the pandemic guidelines we are adhering to set forth by the Archdiocese. We will also refrain from feet washing on Holy Thursday.
St. Stephen's Catholic Community is adhering to all COVID-19 safety precautions and guidelines per the Minnesota Department of Health and the Center of Disease Control, as well as the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis.