

Attention all women of St. Stephen's Catholic Church! 

You are invited to our Women's Welcome Retreat from Saturday, October 15 to Sunday, October 16. Welcome is a weekend retreat designed to bring parish members together in Christ and emphasizes continued growth in Christian life. It is found throughout the U.S. During the weekend you will find love and laughter, great food and friendship, and a renewed sense of belonging to this parish. 

Click here to read all the frequently asked questions and answers. Additional information about Welcome can be found on their website here.

The retreat is from Saturday, October 15, 8 am until no later than 4 pm Sunday, October 16. Completed registration forms must be sent to the Parish Office or dropped off by Monday, September 26. Click here to review a downloadable registration form. Paper copies are available at the Parish Office and on the Welcome Desk. 

For questions, please email Maredith Toweh, Faith for Life Director, or call the Parish Office at 763-421-2471.